Aaw.mo 2.0b2 Free Download For Mac

aaw.mo.free.X 2.0b2 Description:
Drag and drop to change file type/creator.

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It’s available for Mac, and is 100% safe. Created by Gabriel Otte, who has decided to share the app for free, and already has a total number of 5,821 downloads on our website. The 14.74MB of This app OSXplanet are less than the average size of other apps in its section which is 6.36MB. Use aaw.mo to discover and manage even those items of your disk, that are invisible in Finder. Use drag&drop as the most simple tool to get and change properties like name, creator and type code.

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Publisher:Marcel Zubrik
Last Updated:02/13/2019
Requirements:Not specified
Operating system:Mac OS X 10.0
File size:658 KB
Price:Not specified

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