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Auto-fill my return for the CVITP

Auto-fill my return is a secure online Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) service that Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) volunteers can use to automatically fill in parts of a taxpayer's 2017, 2018 or 2019 income tax and benefit return. It uses the information that the CRA has available for the taxpayer at the time of filing.

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When you registered with the CVITP, you were asked to provide your RepID if you wished to use the Auto-fill my return service. Even if the CRA has approved your participation with the CVITP this year, you cannot use Auto-fill my return until your organization confirms that you have given them a valid police records check that you have obtained less than 3 years ago. This is necessary because the Auto-fill my return service increases your access to taxpayer information.

Why you need to give the CVITP your RepID

We need your RepID so we can add it to a CVITP GroupID within the Represent a client service. A GroupID identifies a group of registered representatives. As a volunteer opting to use Auto-fill my return, you will be part of the “CVITP Group”. The CVITP GroupID will be listed as the authorized representative on the taxpayer's account and will allow you to access the taxpayer's information while keeping your personal information confidential.

Why you need to use the tax software for CVITP

The UFile CVITP software includes a customized Authorization request – signature page, which is submitted electronically to the CRA through the software. This page is required to authorize you as the taxpayer's representative under the CVITP GroupID, and allows you to use the Auto-fill my return service on the taxpayer's behalf.

Adobe® Flash® Player eleven.five drives innovation for rich, engaging digital experiences with new features for cross-platform browser-primarily based viewing of expressive wealthy web applications, articles, and video clips across devices. What is New: • Packaging several libraries in an ANE (iOS) • Debug stack trace in release builds of Flash Player • Statically link DRM (Desktop only) • Invoke Occasion enhancement (for openurl) • Several SWF assistance (iOS) Builds adjustments Runtime Versions • Flash Player Desktop only: eleven.5.500.80 • AIR Runtime Desktop: 3.5.290 • AIR Runtime Android: 3.5.290 • AIR SDK:three.five.290 Identified Troubles • Application reloading little one SWF hangs or crashes occasionally when packaged in AOT mode. Download flash player 11.7 for mac (3332723) preventDefault() is not honored for the ORIENTATION_Modifying event on iOS. (3327991) • App crashes if a symbol (used from the SWC(linked externally) of the SWF) is referenced prior to loading the youngster SWF. This beta release offers entry to the Flash Player eleven.five runtime for Mac OS and Windows desktop environments.

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You will be able to access the taxpayer's information and use the Auto-fill my return service until 11:59 pm (EST) on the day the Authorization request – signature page is submitted.

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Auto-fill my return procedure

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  • Using the UFile CVITP software, submit the Authorization request – signature page
  • Print this page and ask the taxpayer to sign it and keep it for their records along with the TIS60, Community Volunteer Income Tax Program Taxpayer Authorization form