Undercoverxp Download For Mac
Undercoverxp Free Download
UnderCoverXP runs on any Windows 95,98,ME, NT4, 2000 and XP system and can be used with all laser and inkjet printers.
What's New:
* Printing: Added support for Canon Pixma 4600 Tray G.
* Translations Fixed unresolved translations of formats resulting in ???'s in format dropdown and Format Editor.
* Format Editor: Fixed image layout gets corrupted after using the format editor.
* Format Editor: sizes of trays were corrupted when using the Format Editor.
* Format Editor: The selected format was not always shown when starting the Format Editor.
* Format Editor: format description in configuration file was removed when using the Format Editor.
* Format Editor: RECT keywords were removed when using the Format Editor.
* User Interface: Filenames below preview in main window are now cut off at the end when too long.
* User Interface: Fixed small transparency issues with Checkboxes and Buttons on Window Vista and 7.
* Format Editor: configuration file is now only saved when actually changes are made when the OK button is used.
* Format Editor: Finally added LINE and RECT editors.
* Autodetect: Fixed correct detection and rotation of a CD Front + Inside.
* User Interface: Added Paste from clipboard via menu, context menu and Ctrl-V shortcut.
* Translations: updated the Russian, Greek and French translations.
* Translations: Added Slovak translation.
Popular apps in Image Editing
Mar 09, 2010 UndercoverXP is a free program to easily print CD covers. It supports JPEG, Gif, PNG and Bmp formats and can automatically scale front covers. Mac Bluray Player For Windows 2.8.1 Download Mac Bluray Player for Windows 2.3.2 Mac Bluray Player is the first universal blu-ray player for Mac&PC in the world.
Undercoverxp Download For Mac
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